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The ActionBase is the base for all actions in StreamController. Therefore all your actions must extend this class.
ActionBase gives you easy access to the key(s) controlled by your actions and providing easy wrappers to change images, set labels and getting events.

If you want to learn more by going throught the code click here.

Available methods



Argument Default Description
deck_controller None The deck controller of the action.



This is an internal method, do not call it manually unless you know what you are doing.

This method gets called on the initialization of the action and sets the internal variable deck_controller.



Argument Default Description
page None The page of the action.



This is an internal method, do not call it manually unless you know what you are doing.

This method gets called on the initialization of the action and sets the internal variable page.



Argument Default Description
coords None The coords of the action



This is an internal method, do not call it manually unless you know what you are doing.

This method gets called on the initialization of the action and sets the internal variable coords.


This method gets called when the action key is pressed. You can override this method in your action and add your own code.


To ensure a lag-free experience for the user, all actions on the pressed keys are executed in a dedicated thread. This means you can add time consuming code here without affecting the application. However, any actions on the button after that will be delayed to ensure that the actions are always called in the same order.


This method gets called when the action key is released. You can override this method in your action and add your own code.


To ensure a lag-free experience for the user, all actions on the released keys are executed in a dedicated thread. This means you can add time consuming code here without affecting the application. However, any actions on the button after that will be delayed to ensure that the actions are always called in the same order.


This method gets called every second to allow live updates to the key. You can override this method in your action and add your own code.


unlike on_key_down and on_key_up all actions on the same deck will be executed in the same thread. This means you are not supposed to add time consuming code here.


The next tick loop will start one second after the last one finished. This means should there be some actions that take a bit longer to finish their ticks, the delays will grow. Therefore on_tick should neither be used for time consuming code nor for precize timing.


This method gets called after the app is fully loaded and the decks are ready to process all types of requests.


The constructor of all actions gets called before the actual decks are ready to process any requests for image changes. For that reason you should use on_ready for the intial image change instead of relying on the constructor.



Argument Default Description Type
image None The image to use PIL.Image

This sets the default image of the key. If the user or any other action tries to change the image their image will be used instead.


This is not implemented yet. Changes made through this method will be ignored.



Argument Default Description Type
text None The text to display str
position bottom The position of the text relative to the key str
color [255, 255, 255] The color of the text list[int]
stroke_width 0 The stroke width of the text int
font_family "" The font family of the text str
font_size 18 The font size of the text int

This sets the default label of the key. If the user or any other action tries to change the label their label will be used instead.


This is not implemented yet. Changes made through this method will be ignored.



Argument Default Description Type
image None The image to use PIL.Image.Image
media_path None The path to a media file (can be a video, image or gif) str
size 1 The size of the image float
valign 0 The vertical alignment of the image (range -1 to 1) float
halign 0 The horizontal alignment of the image (range -1 to 1) float
loop True Whether to loop the video bool
fps 30 The frames per second of the video int
update True Whether to update the key bool

This is the method you can use to change the content of the key.
As you can see you can show images as well as videos in all major formats.



Argument Default Description Type
color [255, 255, 255, 255] The color of the background list[int]
update True Whether to update the key bool



Argument Default Description Type
duration -1 The duration of the error in seconds. -1 means infinite float



Argument Default Description Type
text None The text to display str
position bottom One of the three available positions: top, center or bottom str
color [255, 255, 255] The color of the text list[int]
stroke_width 0 The stroke width of the text int
font_family "" The font family of the text str
font_size 18 The font size of the text int
update True Whether to update the key bool

This method allows you write text in one of the three available positions: top, center or bottom onto the key.



Argument Default Description Type
text None The text to display str
color [255, 255, 255] The color of the text list[int]
stroke_width 0 The stroke width of the text int
font_family "" The font family of the text str
font_size 18 The font size of the text int
update True Whether to update the key bool

This method has the same outcome as set_label with position = "top".



Argument Default Description Type
text None The text to display str
color [255, 255, 255] The color of the text list[int]
stroke_width 0 The stroke width of the text int
font_family "" The font family of the text str
font_size 18 The font size of the text int
update True Whether to update the key bool

This method has the same outcome as set_label with position = "center".



Argument Default Description Type
text None The text to display str
color [255, 255, 255] The color of the text list[int]
stroke_width 0 The stroke width of the text int
font_family "" The font family of the text str
font_size 18 The font size of the text int
update True Whether to update the key bool

This method has the same outcome as set_label with position = "bottom".


This method can be overritten by your action to show configuration rows in the ui.

Example from the OS Plugin

A list of Adw.PreferencesRow objects.


If you need a brief intro into GTK4 in python you can check out this tutorial. For more involved information you can also check out the GTK4 documentation.


This method can be overritten by your action to show a custom area in the ui. By allowing all Gtk.Widgets you are able to customize the config area completely to your needs.

Any Gtk.Widget


If you need a brief intro into GTK4 in python you can check out this tutorial. For more involved information you can also check out the GTK4 documentation.



Argument Description Type
settings A dictionary with your settings dict

This method allows you to store settings for your actions. The typical usage is to store the user settings made in the custom config area. You then use get_settings to retrieve them.

The dict gets directly written into the page json and will be kept if the page gets exported or duplicated. This looks like this:

"actions": [
                "name": "dev_core447_MediaPlugin::Info",
                "settings": {
                    "show_thumbnail": true,
                    "show_label": true,
                    "seperator_text": ""


This method returns a dictionary with all your set settings for this action. For more see set_settings.

A dictionary with your settings



Argument Default Description Type
signal None The signal to connect to Signal
callback None A callback method callable

This method allows you to connect to signals allowing you to adapt to important changes made through the ui. For example if you are working with page names you might want to connect to the page rename signal to get notified when that happens and change the internal references accordingly.
How to use signals



Launches a local backend. See BackendBase.


The methods waits until the backend is registered.


Argument Default Description Type
backend_path None The path of the backend to launch. str
venv_path None The path of the venv to use. str
open_in_terminal False Open the backend in a terminal window. Useful for debugging. bool


Description: Returns ControllerKey object holding this action.


Description: Returns True if this action is a multi action.
If True all images operations should be disabled.

Available Constants


Description: Can be set to True or False to make an Action open the Configuration Page after it got added to a button
Default: False