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Add Config Rows

This example will go over how to add a config row to the Counter action.

We will use the Adw.SpinRow to control the increment of the counter.

1. Setup


This example is for the Counter action without any backends but you can easily adapt it to your needs.

The looks like this:
# Import StreamController modules
from src.backend.PluginManager.ActionBase import ActionBase
from src.backend.DeckManagement.DeckController import DeckController
from src.backend.PageManagement.Page import Page
from src.backend.PluginManager.PluginBase import PluginBase

class Counter(ActionBase):
    def __init__(self, action_id: str, action_name: str,
                 deck_controller: DeckController, page: Page, coords: str, plugin_base: PluginBase):
        super().__init__(action_id=action_id, action_name=action_name,
            deck_controller=deck_controller, page=page, coords=coords, plugin_base=plugin_base)

        self.counter: int = 0

    def on_ready(self):

    def on_key_down(self):
        self.counter += 1

2. Add the row

You can add config rows by overwiding the get_config_rows method.
# Import StreamController modules
from src.backend.PluginManager.ActionBase import ActionBase
from src.backend.DeckManagement.DeckController import DeckController
from src.backend.PageManagement.Page import Page
from src.backend.PluginManager.PluginBase import PluginBase

# Import gtk
import gi
gi.require_version("Gtk", "4.0")
gi.require_version("Adw", "1")
from gi.repository import Gtk, Adw #(1)!

class Counter(ActionBase):
    def __init__(self, action_id: str, action_name: str,
                 deck_controller: DeckController, page: Page, coords: str, plugin_base: PluginBase):
        super().__init__(action_id=action_id, action_name=action_name,
            deck_controller=deck_controller, page=page, coords=coords, plugin_base=plugin_base)

        self.counter: int = 0

    def on_ready(self):

    def on_key_down(self):
        self.counter += 1

    def get_config_rows(self) -> list:
        self.spinner = Adw.SpinRow.new_with_range(1, 100, 1) #(2)!

        return [self.spinner] #(3)

  1. Import Gtk and Adw
  2. Create the Adw.SpinRow
  3. Return the list of rows

3. Test appearance of the row

The config area of the action should now look like this: config_area

As you can see the spinner is now visible in the config area, but it looks weird without a proper title.

4. Add a title

You can add a title to the Adw.SpinRow by using the set_title method. It is also recommended to add a subtitle as well by using set_subtitle.
# Import StreamController modules
from src.backend.PluginManager.ActionBase import ActionBase
from src.backend.DeckManagement.DeckController import DeckController
from src.backend.PageManagement.Page import Page
from src.backend.PluginManager.PluginBase import PluginBase

# Import gtk
import gi
gi.require_version("Gtk", "4.0")
gi.require_version("Adw", "1")
from gi.repository import Gtk, Adw

class Counter(ActionBase):
    def __init__(self, action_id: str, action_name: str,
                 deck_controller: DeckController, page: Page, coords: str, plugin_base: PluginBase):
        super().__init__(action_id=action_id, action_name=action_name,
            deck_controller=deck_controller, page=page, coords=coords, plugin_base=plugin_base)

        self.counter: int = 0

    def on_ready(self):

    def on_key_down(self):
        self.counter += 1

    def get_config_rows(self) -> list:
        self.spinner = Adw.SpinRow.new_with_range(1, 100, 1)
        self.spinner.set_title("Increment by")
        self.spinner.set_subtitle("How much to increment the counter by")

        return [self.spinner]
The row will now look like this: config_area_with_title

5. Store the value of the spinner

The spinner is worthless if don't store, restore and use the set value of the counter.

To store the value we have to connect to it's changed signal: (partial)
    def get_config_rows(self) -> list:
        self.spinner = Adw.SpinRow.new_with_range(1, 100, 1)
        self.spinner.set_title("Increment by")
        self.spinner.set_subtitle("How much to increment the counter by")

        self.spinner.connect("changed", self.on_spinner_value_changed) #(1)!

        return [self.spinner]

    def on_spinner_value_changed(self, spinner):
        settings = self.get_settings() #(2)
        settings["increment_by"] = int(spinner.get_value()) #(3)
        self.set_settings(settings) #(4)

  1. Connect the changed signal
  2. Get the settings via get_settings()
  3. Set the value of the spinner
  4. Set the new settings via set_settings()

6. Restore the value after reload

If you leave the action area and re-enter it, the value will be reset to 1. To change this we have to retrive the stored value and set it to the spinner: (partial)
def get_config_rows(self) -> list:
    self.spinner = Adw.SpinRow.new_with_range(1, 100, 1)
    self.spinner.set_title("Increment by")
    self.spinner.set_subtitle("How much to increment the counter by")


    self.spinner.connect("changed", self.on_spinner_value_changed)

    return [self.spinner]

def load_config_values(self):
    settings = self.get_settings()
    self.spinner.set_value(settings.get("increment_by", 1))

def on_spinner_value_changed(self, spinner):
    settings = self.get_settings()
    settings["increment_by"] = int(spinner.get_value())


Always load the settings before connecting any signals. Otherwise the signals will trigger when you set the new value(s).

7. Use the value

Now the spinner will be saved on changed and reloaded if necessary, but we are not doing anything with the value, yet. Let's change that: (partial)
def on_key_down(self):
    settings = self.get_settings()
    self.counter += int(settings.get("increment_by", 1))


It is not possible to use self.spinner.get_value() instead of self.get_settings() because the spinner will only exist in memory if the configurator has been loaded for the action.

8. The result

The full looks like this:
# Import StreamController modules
from src.backend.PluginManager.ActionBase import ActionBase
from src.backend.DeckManagement.DeckController import DeckController
from src.backend.PageManagement.Page import Page
from src.backend.PluginManager.PluginBase import PluginBase

# Import gtk
import gi
gi.require_version("Gtk", "4.0")
gi.require_version("Adw", "1")
from gi.repository import Gtk, Adw

class Counter(ActionBase):
    def __init__(self, action_id: str, action_name: str,
                 deck_controller: DeckController, page: Page, coords: str, plugin_base: PluginBase):
        super().__init__(action_id=action_id, action_name=action_name,
            deck_controller=deck_controller, page=page, coords=coords, plugin_base=plugin_base)

        self.counter: int = 0

    def on_ready(self):

    def on_key_down(self):
        settings = self.get_settings()
        self.counter += settings.get("increment_by", 1)

    def get_config_rows(self) -> list:
        self.spinner = Adw.SpinRow.new_with_range(1, 100, 1)
        self.spinner.set_title("Increment by")
        self.spinner.set_subtitle("How much to increment the counter by")


        self.spinner.connect("changed", self.on_spinner_value_changed)

        return [self.spinner]

    def load_config_values(self):
        settings = self.get_settings()
        self.spinner.set_value(settings.get("increment_by", 1))

    def on_spinner_value_changed(self, spinner):
        settings = self.get_settings()
        settings["increment_by"] = int(spinner.get_value())