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The attribution.json file is used to provide attribution to third party assets used in your plugin, e.g. fonts, images, etc.

Per default the file looks like this:

    "generic": {
        "copyright": "",
        "original-url": "",
        "license": "",
        "license-url": "",
        "description": ""

You can add files you want to give credit to by adding their relative path as a new key. This might look like this:

    "generic": {
        "copyright": "",
        "original-url": "",
        "license": "",
        "license-url": "",
        "description": ""
    "path/to/file": {
        "copyright": "",
        "original-url": "",
        "license": "",
        "license-url": "",
        "description": ""

The shown generic controls the default and therefore sets the values for all not otherwise specified files.

Description of the keys

Key Description
copyright The copyright holder of the file.
original-url The original url of the file.
license The license of the file, e.g. MIT
license-url The url of the license, e.g.
description Describe any changes or additions made to the file.