
The manifest.json file contains information about the plugin.

Per default the file looks like this:

  "version": "",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "id": "",
  "name": "", 
  "app-version": "",
  "author": "",
  "github": ""

As you can see there are seven keys you can set. Those fields are mandatory and need to be included in every Plugin

Name Description
version The version of your plugin. This has currently no effect at all.
thumbnail The path to the thumbnail you want to show in the store. This is really important.
id The unique id of your plugin in reverse domain name notation. Because Python has problems if the name contains dots, you must replace them with underscores.
name The name of your plugin. This will only be shown in the store.
app-version The current app version the Plugin uses
author The creator of the Plugin
github The link to the Plugin repository

The next 4 keys are optional and dont need to be included in the manifest. Adding them to the manifest would look like this:

  "app-version": "",
  "descriptions": {
    "en_US": ""
  "short-descriptions": {
    "en_US": ""
  "tags": ["","",""],
  "minimum-app-version": ""
Name Description
descriptions Contains all the Descriptions that can be shown in the Store by using the Locales
short-descriptions Contains all the Descriptions that can be shown in the Preview in the Store by using the Locales
tags Can be used to Filter for Plugins
minimum-app-version Specifies a minimum app version the User needs to be running on for the Plugin to function correctly

The last two keys are optional and dont need to be in the manifest, they are used for backwards compatibility but are not needed with 1.5.0

  "description": "",
  "short-description": ""
Name Description
description Used for the description in the store, Deprecated since 1.5.0
short-description Used for the description in the preview, Deprecated since 1.5.0